In order to protect forests, we must plant trees and stop cutting forests down.
In order to keep the heart-broken lesson in mind, we should stop fires from happening again.
This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population.
He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order.
Some stop eating properly in order to lose weight.
The two little girls wrote to the newspaper office in order to stop fast food restaurants giving away plastic toys.
In order to stop food waste, the videos that show food waste have been cut by many video platforms, such as Douyin, Kuaishou and Bilibili.
It is reported that many hospitals abroad refuse all visitors to patients in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Patients feel lonely and worried, so some hospitals have created "Online Wish Wall" for the public.
In order to catch the early bus, we had to stop waiting for them.
These include the centuries-old custom of "bul", where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish stocks an opportunity to replenish.
In order to avoid creating greenhouse gas, the world should try to stop burning coal and riding in cars.
Although I cannot simply order my heart to stop loving my father, I do not agree with his behavior.
Lastly, the usability aspect of the redistribute utility has improved by allowing you to specify table order and to stop and continue redistributing data table by table.
One major newspaper received an order to stop criticizing the men's team, a reporter for the newspaper said.
DB2 only USES a script which is triggered by HACMP in order to start or stop the instances based on failover need.
DB 2仅仅使用一个脚本,HACMP触发该脚本以根据故障转移的需要启动和停止实例。
You may need to stop and start the database server in order for this configuration change to take effect.
The first thing to realize in order to put a stop this destructive habit is to understand that whatever you focus on expands .
The sanctions are not effective. There will be no alternative but to attack Iran in order to stop the Iranian nuclear programme.
"There are situations, particularly for correcting blood-vessel problems like an aneurysm, where we cool the brain in order to stop circulation to an area to perform our work safely," he says.
In order to stop global warming, the world must cut carbon emissions by 70%, and they must do it by 2050 or the planet will become uninhabitable.
When dealing with heavy objects, one must allow plenty of time and force to start, stop or change their movements, in order to make their weight look convincing.
As I mentioned in the introduction, I plan to stop developing HC in order to gain practical experience with it.
Americans who have been struggling just to make their mortgage payments, will now be forced to stop paying their mortgage in order to buy food.
In order to stop the erosion, we should charge people for using the beaches.
The way it starts is for people to stop lying to people above them in order to relieve short-term pressure.
In an unprecedented step, the order instructs the Liverpudlian to stop breaking the law.
In an unprecedented step, the order instructs the Liverpudlian to stop breaking the law.