The tree is organized by performance objects, denoted by folder ICONS, and performance counters, denoted by stop-watch ICONS.
For quantitative exploration, the simulations have measurement instruments available, such as a ruler, stop-watch, voltmeter and thermometer.
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear on the other side.
They got him to the back of the line and three big ladies said they would watch him and stop him going forward.
Stop what you're doing and watch this video right now!
For example, you can give the less senior administrators the ability to start and stop servers; and the night operators the ability the watch the system (monitor).
He says moviegoers years ago complained about having to watch commercials after buying tickets, but theater owners didn't stop reaching for the extra revenue.
This enables an IT operator to (virtually) fly around his or her data center and start and stop components as needed, watch out for alerts, react to them, and so on.
He may stop taking notes, check his watch or glance at his computer.
Other retailers would do well to follow Stop &Shop's example—or watch as shrink takes an even bigger chunk out of their profits.
其他的商家如果按照Stop &Shop的路子走也能做的不错,否则就是眼睁睁地看着货物损耗侵占更多的利润。
For example, you can give the less senior administrators just the ability to start and stop servers and the night operators just the ability the watch the system (monitor).
Just as I was finishing, Brother looked at his watch and said, "Ok, everyone stop."
All of the individual stop watch logs will be written to standard output (note that your servlet container may pipe standard output to a file on disk).
所有单独的stop watch日志都被写入标准输出(请注意你的servlet容器可能把标准输出定向到磁盘的某个文件中)。
It will watch its child processes and start, stop, re-launch them if needed.
Watch for children who may be waiting or playing near a bus stop.
The best thing's to keep changing your picture, because when they see you drawing they'll stop and watch you.
The advice starts a stop watch, and then it lets the original request proceed.
Then I'm going to watch to see how long it takes for evolution to stop.
Taking time to stop and watch a beautiful sunset, or to enjoy the smell of fresh-mown grass.
When the bottle is empty, you can set the stop watch.
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, and he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear shaking into the ditch on the other side.
After this, it stops the stop watch and looks up a performance-statistics object that corresponds to the given operation.
Sometimes I think: If time is really not up like clockwork on the stop watch, and that nice ah!
Once the magnetic mechanical watch, the impact of the first error is increased, the serious will make the watch to stop.
A simple stop watch mechanism for succinct timing statements.
简洁的stop watch计时机制。
After the half hour on the second task was over, the E conspicuously set the stop watch back to zero, put it away, pushed his chair back, lit a cigarette, and said
The other people in the gym notice. They stop and watch.
Just be honest with yourself. When in doubt, stop and think. When too tired, go watch television.
Just be honest with yourself. When in doubt, stop and think. When too tired, go watch television.