If there are more tables to redistribute, but the redistribute was stopped due to the stop AT time constraint, the command returns sqlcode + 1379.
如果有更多的表要重分发,但是由于STOP AT时间限制重分发被停止,那么该命令返回sqlcode + 1379。
We'd crossed the English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little cafe.
So the next time you reach a tissue box, or sob on a friend's shoulder, or shed tears at the movies, stop and reflect on why we cry and what it means to cry.
The man reading the Times at the bus stop remarks on a story that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English.
Perhaps parents can stop worrying so much about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.
At the time I got to the bus stop, the bus started.
It wasn't the last time I witnessed someone thanking Mom or praising her on her bedside manner, but it was the first time I understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning.
Since it is an estimate, it might not necessary stop at the specified time but is as close as possible.
Stop at allows you to specify a time that you would like the redistribute utility to stop even if it has not completely finished redistributing all the tables.
STOP AT允许指定一个时间,当到了这个时间时,即使重分发实用程序还没有完全完成所有表的重分发,也必须停止执行。
Stop looking at your email each half hour. Decice on ONE time per day which will be your email reading and replying time.
Develop new ideas, actually spend time brainstorming to firm up your own company's marketing message. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing.
You want to redistribute remaining tables but you have a constrained time, so you would use the STOP AT option.
您想重分发剩下的表,但是时间有限,因此使用STOP AT选项。
Utilities to let you start and stop groups of mongrels at the same time.
The startup bean stop method is called when the module or application stops and contains business logic to be run at the module or application stop time.
In the case of the latter, you can stop the trace at any time by pressing Control-C.
若是后者,随时可以按Control - C停止跟踪。
Watching for phantom networks that appear for 10 minutes at a time turned out to be one way to identify and stop spam.
So next time you're tempted to stop in at your favorite store, just drive on by.
Doing this will make your life at least a thousand time better because there won't be any barriers to stop you.
On the campaign trail, I had said at virtually every stop, No one with children who works full-time should live in poverty.
As soon as I had signed up people in every congressional district, I headed back to California, this time by the southern route so that I could stop at home.
In Venice, we crisscrossed the lagoon by ferry, visited a glass factory, rented a fleet of black gondolas, and had time for a quick stop at Prada before heading back out of town.
When people stop and reflect, and then say, one at a time, how each of them are really feeling, it opens up a deeper level of dialogue.
Some patients, usually older than Angela, believe that if you do not open your bowels at precisely the same time each day, the world will stop turning.
If you eat slowly, your brain will start sending signals to stop eating at the right time.
While asleep, suffers may stop breathing for between 10 to 25 seconds at a time, depleting the bloodstream and brain of vital oxygen supplies.
Suddenly, my hands | stop at a book called a Beautiful Mind, and exactly at the same time, another boy reached out his hand | for the same book.
Suddenly, my hands | stop at a book called a Beautiful Mind, and exactly at the same time, another boy reached out his hand | for the same book.