Return unused material to the proper storage place.
Hand tools should be returned to their proper storage place after using.
It's very lightweight and runs on devices with little memory and storage place.
As a kind of special carbonate uplift, reef was a good storage place of oil and gas.
The Buyer shall undertake in-land transshipment from the quay or container yard AT the destinATion to the storage place AT his own cost.
At a first glance it's not visible that the furniture hides a relatively large storage place inside due to the optical illusion of the ornaments.
Information system can record storage place of cargo and information about goods and customer signing, in order to make sure that goods can be handed to clients accurately.
As might be guessed by the surroundings, the place is arid and the mission of the dam is to provide water storage for this particularly dry part of the United States.
A document library as a place for photo storage and team-based editing.
This method would let you plan DB2 storage and carefully place DB2 datasets on selected direct access volumes.
该方法允许您规划DB2存储并小心地将 DB2数据集放在选定的直接访问卷上。
Though milk containers may fit snugly in the side door, this isn't an ideal place for storage.
It could be a house with a bed, a table, a chair, a place for food storage and preparation, a toilet, perhaps a shower.
As a bench, it gives you a place to sit while you put on your shoes; as a storage chest, it holds extra blankets or pillows.
The cloud server drops a file with some metadata in a common place, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), where other scripts look to rebuild their configuration files.
Our first step in the investigation was to examine how various storage methods impacted the time required to place a binary file into Subversion, fetch it out, and put it back in its original form.
Just two years earlier, IBM had also developed the first random access disk storage device, the random access Memory for Accounting and Control (RAMAC) 350, so there was a place to store this stuff.
就在两年前,IBM还开发了第一个随机访问磁盘存储设备,RandomAccessMemoryforAccountingandControl (RAMAC) 350,所以有了存放这些东西的地方。
Since the splitting process takes place completely outside of DB2 UDB, the users should engage the appropriate storage vendor support to debug any issues surrounding the splitting process they use.
由于分割过程完全是在DB 2udb之外发生的,用户应该借助相应的存储供应商的支持来调试围绕他们使用的分割过程出现的问题。
Create a place for everything and if necessary go out and buy more storage containers.
I am not talking about paying for storage, but rather your garage or some place like that.
Most chemicals that interfere with memories tend to prevent them from being consolidated for long-term storage, but this chemical seemed to work even after the memory was firmly in place.
King Eurystheus was so afraid of his heroic cousin that he hid in a storage jar. From the safety of this hiding place he issued the order for another Labor.
King Eurystheus was so afraid of his heroic cousin that he hid in a storage jar. From the safety of this hiding place he issued the order for another Labor.