However, we can't mount or create filesystems on a volume group directly. Instead, we can tell LVM to create one or more "logical volumes" using our volume group storage pool.
You’ll be asked for the storage pool (think of AIX volume groups) and the size you want for storing your ISO files (e.g. mkrep -sp client_data -size 50 G).
系统会询问用于存储ISO文件的存储池(相当于AIX卷组)和所需的大小(例如 mkrep -sp client_data -size50G)。
You’ll be asked for the storage pool (think of AIX volume groups) and the size you want for storing your ISO files (e.g. mkrep -sp client_data -size 50 G).
系统会询问用于存储ISO文件的存储池(相当于AIX卷组)和所需的大小(例如 mkrep -sp client_data -size50G)。