This limitation is significant because most useful stored procedures have an OUT parameter that provide some sort of data to the calling program.
In general, "state" refers to information about the current conditions of program execution-runtime data stored in memory.
The debugging information stored within a binary helps a programmer or debugger locate problem areas in a program, and find the stack trace when an error happens in an application.
A rule engine can be implemented using a set of rules as part of the program itself, or can be stored as files using a database.
Data persistence can be defined as a contract, negotiated between a program and a storage device, that specifies how data are to be stored and retrieved.
Listing 9 contains a code example of the SQL CREATE procedure statement used to register an RPG program as an external stored procedure.
清单9包含一个用于将一个R PG程序注册为一个外部存储过程的SQLCREATEPROCEDURE语句的代码示例。
When a program is linked against a library, it has the version number it's designed for stored in it.
The stored procedure program can access DB2 data as well as traditional non-DB2 resources such as QSAM and VSAM data sets, message queues, CICS programs, IMS transactions and databases.
Notice that the console output (Listing 7) displays the same output as the stored procedure call from the JDBC program as shown in Figure 2.
This is now an example of a stored-program computer.
As long as your data stay nicely within your program, the question of exactly how they're stored doesn't matter.
At other times, the HTML is stored inside the software program itself, so the programmers must modify the software to change the HTML.
Listing 10 contains the code for the existing RPG program that has been registered as an external stored procedure.
According to Denis Vnukov, Microsoft Program Manager, support for stored procedures, functions, triggers and views will be included in final version.
In the encryption stage, the currently entered event text will be stored on disk, an external program will encrypt it, and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google's servers.
Let's create a multi-step scenario to see how a DB2 stored procedure is called from a Perl program.
A chunk can be stored in a file or in a string in a Lua program.
These keys will be searched for later in the program and their last recorded time stored as the value of the "event" hash element.
For example, create a script named as a wrapper that calls the rawdevsize program from within the SQL stored procedure, as shown in Listing 6.
例如,创建一个名为rawdevsize . sh的脚本作为包装器,它在SQL存储过程中调用rawdevsize程序,如清单6所示。
Create a library called CVTTEMP in which the program objects will be stored by issuing the CL command CRTLIB from the CL command line as follows.
The directory where the DeviceAnywhere program files are stored.
A value of 1 (for the Linux exit system call) is stored in EAX to request that the program exit.
One method is to register the external program as a stored procedure and then use the SQL Call statement to run the program with a call to the stored procedure.
Now let's write a simple Perl program to invoke a stored procedure SP_GET_LOC (step 3, see Listing 20).
下面让我们来编写一个简单的Perl程序来调用存储过程SP_GET _ LOC(步骤3,请参看清单20)。
The return value from main() in the SPE program is stored into the variable status in the PPE program.
SPE程序中main() 函数的返回值被存储到PPE 程序的变量状态中。
When the program is run, the output can be stored in a file that is then opened by Excel.
The statuses, friends, user name, and password are all stored in the session for retrieval later from other parts of the program.
They invented the stored program control switch in the 1970s, as a move toward cost reduction and reliability.
Functions must assume that for the first eight parameters, they are only passed by register, but they will still have a save area available if they need to be stored by the program.
A computer is controlled by a stored program: thus the first step in using the machine is copying the the program from diskette into memory.