The restaurant is located on the top floor of a superstore in the new town area of Hangzhou, with 9-meter high story height and a broad view to the south.
The Preschool Gym is a double story height space that accentuates its scale proportionally to the child's size, promoting the freedom of movement and the physical stimuli of the youngest students.
Metallic beams emphasize the height of the 38-story skyscraper, while a base of granite pillars leads to horizontal bands of bronze plating and bronze-tinted glass.
Originally it was a single story building that was raised to the present height in the 14th century.
Pre-cast blocks are available in a variety of widths to support just any height of wall, even multi-story.
All residential units have lofts and high ceiling, making the maximum height of the two-story apartment almost 10 m.
The story is about a young girl named Liesel who has to live with foster parents during the height of World War II. On the way to her new home, her brother dies, setting the somber tone for the story.
The influence of vertical rigidity ratio in transfer story is greater than that of transfer story position and box height on structure dynamic property.
The full height two-story volume is expressed on the east elevation while only the upper level is visible to the west.
The biggest whale is the blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long-the height of a 9-story building.
On the smaller scaled Ivy Street, as height limits drop, the building chang- es tone and becomes a row of three-story townhouses.
On the smaller scaled Ivy Street, as height limits drop, the building chang- es tone and becomes a row of three-story townhouses.