It's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle, and passed a baton to his son, so that his son could fulfill his dreams.
But it's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle and passed a baton to his son so that his son could fulfill his dreams.
I heard one story about the son of a New York heiress who was snatched by his father and taken somewhere in the Middle East.
And as you read the story, remember its larger context: God's promise to make Abraham the father of a great people through his son, Isaac.
The story about a father and son, set against the background of North Amsterdam during a glorious summer.
Here's a little story: - Once there was a father and a son who owned a couple of donkeys.
Then Digory knew that all the Narnians had heard those words and that the story of them would be handed down from father to son in that new world for hundreds of years and perhaps forever.
And so, at the end of the story, for the elder son that refused to walk in, the father left his house of grace and pleaded with this son: "Let us come home and celebrate and be joyous."
And so, at the end of the story, for the elder son that refused to walk in, the father left his house of grace and pleaded with this son: "Let us come home and celebrate and be joyous."