As he reached the door, he was showered straight on the head with a basin of slops.
Sad to relate, my dear children, he did hit the Cricket, straight on its head.
The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.
Rather than regurgitating, this earlier post makes the case why term insurance is the best bet for younger people with their financial head on straight.
Out of the blue he then landed on my head when I got on the quad and I drove straight into a tree.
He ran the comb straight back on both sides of his head, then mussed the hair in front enough for one little lock to droop over his forehead.
But now she decided to skip her post-class musing-on-the-mats routine, head straight for the Serenity Posse II meeting on Amsterdam.
With the mic placed on a boom stand, position the mic about two feet above the drummer's head, and point it straight down at the bass drum pedal's inner edge.
Even though keeping the left arm straight or keeping the head still does not help the golfer's problem, they continue to work on these two areas of the golf swing.
Stand up straight, place your right hand on your left shoulder and move your head gently. Do the same thing for the right shoulder.
Keeping your head straight, which is not the same as keeping your head on straight, will make you appear self-assured and authoritative.
On an imported heat exchanger in some chemical plant, an offset caused by fabricating deviation is presented on the joint between shell and straight part of head. By means of finit element method.
And then I get up early on Thursday morning and make my way to the next race, trying to arrive at the closest airport to the circuit at around 11am - and then I head straight to the track.
We taught the second boy, who was writing his homework on a dwarf table when we entered, to stand with his back straight, head held up.
Women like to wear a short jacket with tight sleeves and straight skirt covering the instep; they usually coil their hair on top of the head with a beautiful crescent comb.
Behind it are demons, ghosts, and goblins egging people on, fanning the flames, telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells.
The girl shyly lowers her head to knit, whereas the boy lies comfortably on the lawn looking straight at the girl's charming face that almost takes his breath away.
Behind it are demons, ghosts, and goblins egging people on, fanning the flames, telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells.
Behind it are demons, ghosts, and goblins egging people on, fanning the flames, telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells.