The invention relates to a monorail bilateral straight scale, comprised of a rail and positioning channels alternatively arranged on both sides of the rail.
本发明涉及一种单轨道双侧直线标尺,由一轨道和若干交错排列在所述轨 道两侧的定位卡槽构成。
For the top 5 per cent, however, wealth allocation follows a Pareto distribution, a straight line on a log-log scale, which is a far less equitable way of apportioning wealth.
然而,对于5%的精英而言,财富分配遵循帕累托分布,也就是重对数图尺(onalog - logscale)上的一条直线,而这种财富分配方式比前一种不公平的多。
For 95 per cent of the population, it follows a Boltzmann Gibbs distribution, in other words a straight line on a log-linear scale.
对于95%的人,财富分配遵循波尔兹曼·吉布斯分布,也就是对数线性图尺(log - linear scale)上的一条直线。
And there are fringe benefits to the scale of the operation here too: the quick turnover of pasties here means you get them straight-from-the-oven-hot as opposed to heat-lamp warm.
The feet of the marking device are two aequilate and isopachous straight stripe feet, and the evenly divided scale and the ruler scale are engraved on the feet.
Then straight line extracting is converted into the procedure of analyzing the features in scale space.
The flow field of straight HP turbine cascade was investigated experimentally in a large-scale low-speed open-loop cascade heat transfer wind tunnel.
The flow field visualization of a straight HP turbine cascade is conducted in a large-scale low-speed open -loop cascade heat transfer wind tunnel.
As long as there is sufficient resolution, we will find that thought is a straight line and paragraph, in fact, a large number of smaller scale by the broken line connected.
To valuing the interlock strength of gravel base, we also had done large-scale straight shearing test in door.
To valuing the interlock strength of gravel base, we also had done large-scale straight shearing test in door.