This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain, who sat on a number of corporate boards and, at one time, headed the Strategic Air Command.
这种领导力模式与已退休的杰克•查恩将军的想法不谋而合。他曾在多家公司董事会任职,并曾担任美国空军战略司令部(Strategic Air Command)领导人。
Gen Robert Elder, who is also the joint functional commander for global strike and integration at U.S. Strategic command. Air Force officials are now working to flesh out the details for the command.
新的司令部将由空军第8军司令官robertElder领导,Robert Elder还是美战略司令部下属的负责全球打击和集成职能的司令官。
I commanded the 45th Space Wing at Patrick AFB, Fla. Her staff assignments include Tours at Headquarters Air Force Space command, Air Education and Training command, and U. S. Strategic command.
I commanded the 45th Space Wing at Patrick AFB, Fla. Her staff assignments include Tours at Headquarters Air Force Space command, Air Education and Training command, and U. S. Strategic command.