At the 38th day of incubation, dorsal gland vesicles with stratified epithelium were evident.
Histologically, dentigerous cysts are lined by stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium.
Stratified squamous epithelium with beginning surface cornification.
The result show: the oesophagus has a thick stratified squamous epithelium which is little keratinized with numerous mucous glands.
The sweat glands-like structure expressed both CEA and CK18, the stratum basale of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium wase CK19 and CK10 positive.
免疫组化的结果表明汗腺样结构分别呈CEA和CK 18阳性,而角化复层扁平上皮的基底层细胞分别呈CK19和CK 10阳性。
Result: at 8-week embryo, trachea consists of 2-3 layers of stratified columnar cells and mesenchyme around the cells, the reaction of PAS of epithelium was positive.
结果:8周的胚胎,气管壁由2 3层复层柱状上皮细胞及外周的间充质构成,上皮细胞的PAS反应为阳性。
Thickly cornified stratified squamous epithelium. the cells in the bright red layer and in the pale layers above it are completely flattened and dead, and have lost their nuclei.
The gland epithelium was irregular pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consist a lot of secretory cells, fewer ciliated columnar cells, and basilar cells.
The gland epithelium was irregular pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consist a lot of secretory cells, fewer ciliated columnar cells, and basilar cells.