They form a topology, and it is called fuzzy stratiform topology.
The Haladala massif is the biggest stratiform gabbro massif in Tekesi belt.
The diurnal cycle of stratiform precipitation depth is not significant over these regions.
Gold in stratiform major orebody is mainly included in bornite and tetrahedrite as fine grain of native gold.
The stratiform skarn is a major factor of gold mineralization control and the regional ore-searching criteria.
The precipitation efficiencies of two stratiform clouds processes over North China are 68% and 59% respectively.
Exploration programmes are based on drilling for the stratiform deposits along projections of established trends.
Water contents of stratiform cloud vary greatly, and have close positive relationship with particle number concentration.
The stratiform skarns of hydrothermal fluid sedimentary origin are well developed in Kendekoke gold deposit, Qinhai province.
Most lightning flashes occur near the strong convective region, and a few flashes occur in the stratiform region of the squall line.
The stratiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal distribution of physical characters.
层状云由于在水平上较为均匀, 可以用一维模式来模拟其云微物理过程。
Finally, a forecast model of frequency of stratiform clouds in Qilian Mountains was built based on the circulation characteristic factors.
An obvious mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation was first observed in Archean stratiform sulfides from Xintai area, Shandong Province.
On a seasonal scale, the results indicate that the rainfall ratio of stratiform rain to deep convective rain is proportional to their rainfall pixel ratio.
By contrast, there are no significant features of right branch such as stratiform cloud, thunderstorm high and cold pool in the left branch of the squall line.
The results show that convective rains only occupied half of the area of stratiform rains, but the former contributed much more rainfall to the total than the latter.
The raindrop size distribution and the structure of precipitation cloud are used to separate the precipitation cloud system into convective cloud and stratiform cloud.
In fuzzy topological space, some sets are not closed sets, but they display some characteristics of clsed sets on some stratiform, if is so-called stratiform closed set.
In fuzzy topological space, some sets are not closed sets, but they display some characteristics of clsed sets on some stratiform, if is so-called stratiform closed set.