The appearance of streaming media technology solves these problems.
The Streaming Media technology is used in the data compression and transmission.
The streaming media technology has achieved great progress in the current Internet.
Streaming media technology can be transmitted continuously and played at the same time.
On data transmission it use the streaming media technology and it make fluent playing in the net.
Wireless streaming media combines the wireless network technology and streaming media technology.
This paper mainly discussed the streaming media technology and its transmission way: IP multicast.
With the Internet rapid development, the applications of streaming media technology are more and more popular.
Streaming media technology, a new type of media transmission under the network environment, has wide prospects.
This paper focuses on the Internet in distance education and peer-to-peer streaming media technology combined strengths.
本文着重探讨了在互联网中远程教育和P 2 P流媒体技术结合的优势。
Methods Took medical teaching system as a platform, used streaming media technology and television production techniques.
In the meanwhile, traditional web applications' support for website of streaming media technology has seemed insufficient.
An efficient resource management strategy is the key point of streaming media technology research based peer to peer network.
The currently popular network (under 2M) can also support hi-resolution IPTV if special streaming media technology is applied.
Mobile TV which is based on streaming media technology will have more functionalities and support more services in the future.
Then, the paper describes some related technologies, mainly about streaming media technology and testing technology to streaming media.
Streaming media technology is to solve the audio resources network-transmission problem, by the method of streaming media transmission.
流媒体技术的出现解决了视音频资源的网络传输问题,实现了 “边下载边观看”的流播放形式。
This paper introduce the system component, transmission principle, support protocol, usual technology scheme of streaming media technology.
Although streaming media technology is widely used, its multimedia stream playback quality is low because of data transmission delay and jitter.
The key technology of streaming media technology is introduced here, and a model of distance education architecture based on it is also designed.
Bandwidth fluctuation determines it is difficult for streaming media technology to provide real-time streaming media services for different clients.
Computer network technology and streaming media technology have been introduced into English teaching and are playing an increasingly important role.
The main feature of streaming media technology is the real-time transmission of multimedia data stream, it has high demands of real-time transmission.
With popularity of Internet and demand for the multimedia service increased day by day, streaming media technology on the Internet absorbs more and more concerns.
The streaming media technology has made possible the transmission of audio information and begun the direct competition between Internet media and broadcast media.
Therefore, researching P2P streaming media technology takes an important significance for solving the server side bottleneck problem in the streaming media application.
因此,研究P 2 P流媒体技术对解决流媒体服务器端的瓶颈问题具有重要的意义。
In this paper, the traditional streaming media technology on the basis of the structure proposed hybrid P2P streaming model, to further optimize distance education systems.
在传统流媒体技术的基础上提出混合式结构的P2 P流媒体模式,以进一步优化远程教育系统。
Streaming media technology supports network transmission of text stream, picture stream, audio stream, video stream, and the customer can incept the information by streaming mode.
This paper aims to study embedded network video surveillance system in practical applications. The MPEG-4 standard and Streaming Media technology are studied deeply and realized in our system.
本论文以嵌入式远程视频监控系统在实际中的应用为目的,对视频压缩标准MPEG - 4和流媒体技术进行了比较深入的研究并实现,具有实际应用的价值。
It's complex and difficult to characterize the action of Internet, so using the simulation method to support the Internet large-scale streaming media technology research has become mainstream.