Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.
Charged particles called ions travel along the nanowire, causing it to stretch out in length and also bend and wiggle.
They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.
As he prepares to leave, he boasts about one accomplishment: he was able to drive for miles along a stretch of highway west of Kandahar city.
Cars lay blackened and crumpled for at least 400 metres along a long stretch of road running north from the Green zone. Barely a house within the blast zone was left with a window unbroken.
He hastily bade them farewell, and splashed back along the stretch of submerged road.
The evening began with a stroll in Abu Nuwas Park, a tree-studded stretch along the Tigris River.
The stalls stretch for about 2 miles along both Banks of the Seine, and about 200 sellers offer more than 300, 000 books in the biggest open-air bookshop in the world.
You will feel the stretch along the left side of your neck.
You will feel the stretch along the right side of your neck.
After a lovely stretch running right along the edge of Lake Baikal we moved away from birch and pine tree territory into lusher pastures.
Every time we encounter a wall while walking along a stretch of road, we turn into a brand? New stretch of road.
Ribbons of red rear-lights stretch off into the distance along the highways that radiate from the city’s centre.
Instead, they were found above ground along a heavily wooded several-mile stretch of the long Island shore.
Steel against screeching steel, the train finally came to a halt and the conductor ran back along the dark stretch of tracks with a flashlight.
Feel the stretch along the front of the thigh of the bent leg.
A German magician is set to test his memory by driving along a 12-mile stretch of a winding mountain road blindfolded.
They are located in South America and stretch 4, 500 miles from north to south, along the west coast of the continent.
The huge movement of sub-sea earth at 2.46pm on Friday led to a quake at three different epicentres, along a 500km stretch of sea.
One complete section of the wall in Laiyuan County in north China’s Hebel Province has crumbled because of mining along a 94-mile stretch, according to a report by the People’s Daily.
What happens to this land, and to the water trapped in the fjords along its shore or in its lakes, when the stretch sets all to vibrating.
THE golden beaches at St Augustine in Florida, America’s oldest city, stretch for 40 miles along the Atlantic, sloping gently into the blue, lazy surf.
佛罗里达州的圣奥古斯丁是美国最古老的城市。 其黄金海岸沿着大西洋延绵四十英里之长,轻柔地斜滑至那湛蓝而慵懒的拍岸浪花中。
Last year, Shenton did just that, travelling to a six-mile stretch of straight water along the Old Bedford River in Norfolk, the scene of many infamous flat Earth experiments.
More than 6,000 people died just along a short 10 kilometer stretch of coast in India's Nagapattinam district. Most were women and children, who couldn't escape the walls of water.
In November 1885, Daimler’s son Adolph Daimler drove the riding car along a three-kilometer stretch of road between Caanstatt and Untertürkheim and back.
1885年11月,戴姆勒的儿子阿道夫.戴姆勒(Adolph Daimler)开着骑式双轮车在Caanstatt和Untertürkheim(德国斯图加特城中的两个区)之间的3公里路上跑了个来回。
The jellyfish were concentrated in three areas near the eastern city of Elche along the stretch of white sand beaches on the Costa Blanca.
Along with constantly extend and stretch of internal auditing scope, the risk of internal auditing also in escalation.
Stretch your arms further up from your shoulders, feel the stretch along both side of your trunks. Strech your arms and fingers.
Stretch your arms further up from your shoulders, feel the stretch along both side of your trunks. Strech your arms and fingers.