The New York transit strike of 1980 is credited with prompting several long-term changes in the city, including bus and bike lanes, and women wearing sports shoes to work.
In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them.
Virgin-soil epidemics are those in which the populations at risk have had no previous contact with the diseases that strike them and are therefore immunologically almost defenseless.
The pitching robot, with its three-fingered hand, can throw 90 percent of its pitches in the strike zone, won't need any relief from the bullpen and never asks for a pay raise.
Labour unrest has even struck nations with a cooler-headed image. In March a two-week strike by Finnish dockworkers crippled the country’s exports, including those from the vital timber industry.
Panther's Claw is a joint operation with Khanjar (Strike of the Sword) involving 4, 000 newly-arrived US marines and 650 Afghan troops, elsewhere in Helmand.
“豹爪行动”是一次与“利剑行动”(Strikeofthe Sword)的联合行动。后者是一次在赫尔曼德省另外某处进行的,包括了4000名新近到达的美国海军陆战队士兵以及650名阿富汗士兵的军事行动。
Mars in Aries is in a weak place in your chart, so bide your time until June to strike with major plans and events.
Other people show up and strike up a conversation with someone in the room, or me or the staff, " he says.
The Navy currently has an aircraft carrier strike group and an amphibious landing vessel, with Marines and helicopters, in the Red Sea.
Then just 13 days before the presentation the sewing girls were called out on strike. I found myself left with one tailor and woman who was in charge of the sewing room!
Everyone knows a military strike against its nuclear sites would be fraught with danger, not least that Iran would soon be back in the nuclear business with bigger scores to settle.
We physicians in training have to strike a balance between expanding our knowledge base and experience with different medication classes and the cost-effectiveness of the medication choices we make.
Then just 13days before the presentation the sewing girls were called out on strike. I found myself left with one tailor and woman who was in charge of the sewing room!
Cloud computing might strike fear in the hearts of some, but at least your employees can't walk off with your hard drives.
But even if Mr. Salazar gave the approval, opponents of Cape Wind wouldprobably continue to challenge it in court and the company would stillneed to strike a deal with a utility to buy the power.
It did not strike me as strange that this job should be turned over to a casual visitor in no way connected with the school.
With a lucky strike you can make enough money to live for two or three years, but of course that lucky strike is so rare that at the end of the day you are better off working in the field.
Reinado aligned himself with an army strike in April and May 2006 over alleged discrimination against soldiers from the west of the country, in which nearly half the army was sacked.
Within hours the Israelis had made good on their promise, killing up to six Palestinians in an air strike on Rafah, the Gaza town next to the border with Egypt.
Tracking social media is big business, and the news that Twitter is set to enter the ring with a free product of its own may strike fear in the hearts of market leaders.
The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand.
The man thought for a moment, and with a sly grin, stated, "Strike me blind in one eye!"
Standard Chartered entered exclusive talks with the UK lender last month to acquire assets in China, India and Malaysia, hoping to strike a deal within weeks.
To stream a film via the Internet, in contrast, Netflix must strike an agreement with the studio or TV firm that owns it.
When foraging, they stand silently along riverbanks, lake shores, or in wet meadows, waiting for prey to come by, which they then strike with their bills. (Photo and caption by Linh Dinh).
An officer in riot gear appears to use his left hand to strike Tomlinson on the back of his upper leg with a baton.
Neither can we! Cormoran Strike begins shooting in London this fall, with each "book" airing as a separate event drama.
Madonna left Warner Music to strike a deal with Live Nation, a concert promoter, and the Eagles distributed a bestselling album in America without any help from a record label.
Madonna left Warner Music to strike a deal with Live Nation, a concert promoter, and the Eagles distributed a bestselling album in America without any help from a record label.