So the old sailors threw the ship's log-a chunk of wood-overboard and watched as the string played out.
He had spent hours listening to the vibration of a single string plucked against a variety of backgrounds-hollow wood, solid wood, aluminum, steel.
At the gate of the school, I saw selling mutton string in kebabs under uncle Yang, burning wood carbon emitting smoke, there is a particularly unpleasant smell.
Board of String Spindle: We use Germany traditional manufacture process and take imported maple, stained wood as raw materials to process under special technique.
Make sure to remove all the wood out of the string knocks so the bow will be fast flight ready if you want it to be.
The father said: "at one end of wood, apply some brown sugar, then tied the string to a bee, then put the bee on the other end of hole of the wood. The son did exactly what his father told him."
Each day Grade would repair the damage and continue to expand the skeletal wood and string structures.
Each day Grade would repair the damage and continue to expand the skeletal wood and string structures.