I'll string along, if you don't object.
Wishing angel would string along with you every moment.
I found I could not string along with all their notions.
Most of the employees decide to string along the old firm.
I string along an eager kid with promises I'll pay him money.
I'll string along with someone who's driving into the capital.
She said she'll string along with you when you come to Shanghai.
You should string along with me because I know this business inside out.
She wasn 't very keen on the trip, but she had to string along with the group.
She wasn't happy on the trip, but she had no other recourse than to string along with the group.
For each row retrieved from the cursor call, the element was appended to the string along with a delimiter.
A young person in sales can learn a lot if he or she will string along with an experienced salesman on visits to customers.
You connect the control to an ODBC data source by specifying the appropriate ODBC driver in the connection string along with relevant server and authentication information.
I kept using relative pronouns like "who did this," "which this," and using ing-words,participles, because that's what you use in the Greek to string along clause after clause after clause.
Along with the input string, the SUBSTRING function has three other arguments, which are start position, length, and code unit specification.
For example, if the server receives a New e-mail from mark@developerWorks string, it will find the e-mail keyword and show a mail picture, along with the full text in the lower right-hand corner.
例如,如果服务器收到New e-mail from mark@developerWorks字符串,它将查找电子邮件关键字并显示邮件图片,并在右下角显示全部文本。
The value of the resource_directory property USES a defined system property of user.dir, along with the user's name included in the string value.
resource_directory属性的值使用一个已定义的系统属性user . dir,外加字符串内包含的用户名称。
The four services (Communities, Dogear, Activities, Blogs) along with Google display search results from a source portlet where marketing was entered for a search string.
个服务(Communities、Dogear、Activities 和Blogs)和Google显示来自一个源portlet 的搜索结果,这个源 portlet 中输入了marketing作为搜索字符串。
The villagers acted quickly: they set up temporary homes along the embankment, with two upright string beds for walls and a third thrown atop them like a roof.
To determine the catenary curves of arches, he would tack a sketch of a foundation plan on the ceiling, hang loops of string, and attach weights along the loops in proportion to down forces.
Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion.
If you took the sun away, it would be like cutting the string that provides the pull and in that case what you would see is that the planets would just take off along a straight line.
Then we set about fixing the chosen branches along the wires with Flexi-Tie, an elastic string which allows for growth.
A string of car showrooms along the main street - two and three storeys high, grand by Padang standards - are nothing more than rubble.
A string of small islands built along the outer margin is intended to recall the pearl-diving culture of the nation’s past.
I got string and it went along but what does that actually mean?
I got string and it went along but what does that actually mean?