Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems: first buy an octopus and a string bag.
From a string bag that she had placed on the floor, she took some herbs, crushing them with her fingers as she sprinkled them on the water.
And smaller leaves than waking up, it found himself staying in a string bag, a fisherman with a rough hand to remove small leaves thrown on the ground.
When the weight of clothes is heavy after absorbing water, the string bag can be hung on the supporting rack so as to prevent the clothes from deforming due to excessive tension;
Conclusion Binding kidney with modified hone-made string bag under hand-assisted laparoscopy combined with oral Duyiwei is obviously effective worthy of clinical siddemination for rupture of kidney.
He held out a small bag tied with string.
Before going out shooting, cut a string that equals your height and keep it in your pocket or camera bag.
Often she stopped on the way to get him a plastic bag of Milo, tied shut with raffia string, a straw poking through.
A little paper bag of her favorite butter-scotch lay with its string yet unwound.
He opened the bag that contained all his possessions and got out a pen, a piece of paper and some string.
Dumbledore was furious with him and Arabella Figg beat him around the head and body with her string shopping bag full of tins of cat food.
All you need is a plastic bag, a hair dryer, and some string.
The roadrunner pulled the string, and a whole bag of rocks fell upon the coyote.
The present invention relates to the tea bag string (3) equipped with the state display function coming off of the tea bag (1).
What would you build if you only had the following items at your disposal: a deck of CARDS, an elevator, a sharp knife, a mile of string, a mirror, whatever you have in your pockets or bag right now.
Tea is increasingly fashionable in France, though it is still served with a tiny bag on a string and usually without milk.
Since the gas bag is added, the pressure increase within the hydraulic chamber is very slight when the string collar passes through the packing element.
The tea bag is attached to the tag by a pure, sanitized string without the use of metal staples. Thus, no metallic taste is found in the tea.
The tea bag is attached to the tag by a pure, sanitized string without the use of metal staples.
The tea bag is attached to the tag by a pure, sanitized string without the use of metal staples.