Even when we have to work in teams, a lot of us still strive to either take over, lead the team, or take as much credit as possible.
Integrated Lifecycle Environment You should strive to automate as much of the "drudge work" — such as metrics gathering and system build — as possible.
Break up those long speeches with interruptions and action. Strive for as much white space on each page as possible.
Given the power and maturity of CSS, most experienced Web designers strive to implement as much of the design and layout properties of a Web site in CSS as possible.
In other words, strive to provide as much information or functionality as possible for each piece of information users provide.
" Power to burn" is something all metaminds strive for— they are unconcerned with glamour or flashy ways, but singlemindedly determined to amass as much psychic power as possible.
" Power to burn" is something all metaminds strive for— they are unconcerned with glamour or flashy ways, but singlemindedly determined to amass as much psychic power as possible.