This system can be convenient teacher and student course more convenient.
In the system analysis section, several modules such as teaching project module, student status management, teacher management, textbook management, course -selecting management are analysed.
In the system analysis section, several modules such as teaching project module, student status management, teacher management, textbook management, course-selecting management are are analysed.
The paper discusses the premises to the teaching method of elicitation in all aspects: the teaching purpose and evaluation system, the content of courses, and the teacher-student relations.
Systematic operation result what this text design select course system to meet three respects of student, teacher and administrative staff's needs.
In the web server of network teaching system, student cramp out the title, answer the title from it, teacher add to the title, amend the title in it, manager add to the user, d…
此网站能够实现学生从题库中抽取题目,回答题目,老师向题库中添加题目,修改题目及管理员添加用户,删除用户等功能。 文中介绍了制作此网站所需要的开发…
The important contents of this system include: 1. Building the open type teacher-student relations.
Teacher-student relationship is nonlinear system in the relevant mechanisms;
Teacher-student relationship is nonlinear system in the relevant mechanisms;