Tune in to programs, like Studio Classroom, in which good English is spoken.
Former Studio Classroom teacher Gregory Burns spoke recently about the growth of the Paralympics in China.
This month, Studio Classroom talks to Dr. David Hang about joint injuries, pain, prevention and treatment. Dr.
We may occasionally send email to you regarding news or special offers related to Studio Classroom that may interest you.
From an early age, her mother impressed upon her the importance of learning English, and as Tong listened to Studio Classroom, she became curious about America.
Get the recording of some magazines you like (for example, Studio Classroom) and listen to them while you read. This will improve your reading speed and pronunciation.
There is a fully-equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom.
Inside a DC-8 aircraft, there is a fully-equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom.
Formal classroom training is strongly recommended for developers who have not had such training for previous versions of WebSphere Studio.
对于没有参加过WebSphere Studio以前版本正规的课堂训练的开发人员,强烈推荐其参加正规的课堂训练。
This student was very enthusiastic and he lead the team to visit his studio, classroom and other subjects' classrooms. These were the places which open to their own students and teachers.
Small class sizes, dooms and advisor groups facilitate individual attention for all students. Dormitory, classroom, studio and equestrian facilities are outstanding.
Small class sizes, dooms and advisor groups facilitate individual attention for all students. Dormitory, classroom, studio and equestrian facilities are outstanding.