Coldplay are currently holed up in a studio in northern London, trying to hammer out the details for their still-untitled fourth album, due out in May.
The multi-million pound project, which is due to be completed within two and half years, was designed by London-based architects Studio RHE.
The current Visual Studio release cycle is around three years, and Microsoft has yet to launch Visual Studio 2008 - that's due next year.
当前VisualStudio的发布周期大约是3年,微软已经又要发布Visual Studio 2008了——定于明年。
Note: Currently, the tooling in Visual Studio 2005 does not handle case-sensitive identifiers (applicable for all features) due to a limitation on the DB2 provider for .NET.
注意:目前,VisualStudio 2005 中的工具不根据针对 .NET 的DB2 提供商的限制来处理区分大小写的标识符(可应用于所有特性)。
Taylor reunited with producers Max Martin and Johan Shellback for her fifth studio album, which is reportedly due out in 'the fourth quarter' of this year.
Stars affected include Cameron Diaz and Mike Myers, who are due to make a Shrek follow-up next year for studio DreamWorks.
Stars affected include Cameron Diaz and Mike Myers, who are due to make a Shrek follow-up next year for studio DreamWorks.