It was also my dream to study in a foreign country.
Pursuing her study in a foreign country, she always felt homesick.
What will be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country?
And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ?
When you study in a foreign country, you'll be faced with new circumstances, environments, and predicaments.
However, some are against of it. 62% of them hold the view that it is difficult for young people to live and study in a foreign country.
There is no doubt that going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture, can be a frustrating and STH painful experience.
A : My girlfriend went to study in a foreign country. After she graduated she realized she couldn't come back due to visa issues. Finally she sorted them out and came back. Now we are engaged.
甲:我女友出国念书。 念完后发现因为签证的问题而无法回国,最后问题总算解决了。现在我们订婚了。 乙: 好事多磨啰。
The Belt and Road initiative is really a good chance to let more and more foreign students study in our country.
The best way to learn a foreign language is to go work or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there.
Each year, students around the world leave behind the comforts of home to pursue a study-abroad experience in a foreign country.
Join a study abroad program, where high school and college students live with a host family in a foreign country.
The best way to master a foreign language is to go and study it in the country where it is spoken.
Would you prefer to study in China or in a foreign country?
Since the study of foreign currency statement translation in our country started very late, we have a lot of hard work to go.
It's not every day you get the opportunity to study and live in a foreign country.
Thee best way to learn a foreign language is to go work or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there.
After this, my parents considered Chinese art universities as being too rigid, so they send me to Jurong Country Garden School in the hope that I can get into a foreign university to study art.
But choosing where to study and successfully completing a degree program in a foreign country can be challenging.
But choosing where to study and successfully completing a degree program in a foreign country can be challenging.