Please choose or fill in your study plan in China according to the clues given in this item.
Later, in order to surpassed the giant competitor, Google, which took up 60% of the market in China, they formed technology study group known as the “Lightning Plan”.
A study or research plan in China.
Once I am admitted to Keuka College, I should consult with the Shanghai Office of Keuka China Programs (in English) regarding academic issues such as my study plan, grades, and graduation, etc.
Application Statement: stating applicant's Chinese language learning background, study plan and aim in China it shall be written in Chinese and no less than 800 words.
In China, however, there are only a several hospitals that have performed such operation and even no effort dedicated to the study and development of the corresponding therapy plan system.
In China, however, there are only a several hospitals that have performed such operation and even no effort dedicated to the study and development of the corresponding therapy plan system.