There is two catalogue, the author catalogue and the subject catalogue.
There's two catalogues: the author catalogue and the subject catalogue.
The idea survived into the 20th century in the shape of the little catalogue cards librarians used to note down a book’s title, author, subject and so on before the records were moved onto computers.
OK! I'll show you. This catalogue offers author, title and subject approaches to the holding of the library.
Catalogue of Goods Subject to Export License Administration and License-Issuing Catalogue in Grades of Export License Administration are promulgated by Ministry of Commerce in announcement.
The present catalogue of the goods subject to automatic import license administration is attached as behind (see Annex I).
This article summarizes the primary views on bibliography coming from Yao Mingda, which include eight purposes of catalogue, four kinds of abstracts, and five principles of subject heading.
The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for formulating, adjusting and promulgating the annual Catalogue for Graded License Issuance of Goods Subject to the Administration of Export License.
Here is our latest product catalogue, but the price is subject to change without notice.
This is our catalogue and price list, and all the prices are subject to our final confirmation.
It may, at first, seem difficult for you to find your way around – where exactly are the books that I need for my subject?Learning to use a catalogue is a skill in itself!
For the specific names and codes of the merchandises, please refer to the Catalogue of Goods Subject to Automatic Import License.
The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for formulating, adjusting and promulgating the annual Catalogue for Graded License Issuance of Goods Subject to the Administration of Import License.
Managers must obtain import license in license-issuing organs assigned in license issuing Catalogue in Grades of Goods Subject to import license Administration.
Article 7 the import license shall be applicable to the import of goods within the Catalogue for goods Subject to the Administration of import license.
Article 3 the products incorporated into the Catalogue shall be subject to the principle of "three guarantees", namely, whoever sells the products should take the charge.
Other goods that are administered in the form of "non one lot one license" subject to export license administration stipulated in Catalogue of goods subject to export license administration.
Article 7 import license apply to the import of the goods in Catalogue of goods Subject to import license Administration.
Article 7 import license apply to the import of the goods in Catalogue of goods Subject to import license Administration.