High frequency vibration removes submicron particle instantly without damaging wafers.
Submicron particle sizing methods and techniques are difficult problems in particle research field.
Modern methods for particle sizing are stated and analyzed. Some problems are discussed when these methods are used for submicron particles.
笔者分析并综述了现代颗粒测试的方法和技术 ,讨论了这些方法应用于亚微米级超细颗粒的测量时存在的问题和局限。
Modern methods for particle sizing are stated and analyzed. Some problems are discussed when these methods are used for submicron particles.
笔者分析并综述了现代颗粒测试的方法和技术 ,讨论了这些方法应用于亚微米级超细颗粒的测量时存在的问题和局限。