This was, in effect, a "no doc" or at least a "low doc" subprime mortgage loan.
I'm just glad we finally have these credit and subprime mortgage loan crises behind us.
Even the subprime mortgage loan crisis or anything else at the foot of the mountain can not disturb him at all, for he is completely peaceful.
S. economy and the fluctuations in the stock and exchange markets mainly caused by the subprime mortgage loan problem, and effects of developments of oil prices.
At the sharp end, mortgage brokers bent the rules to get subprime borrowers to sign "liars' loan" documents, encouraged by the insatiable demand from Wall Street banks for mortgage securities.
The financial support from Citigroup may allow GMAC to expand its market share after the subprime-mortgage crisis knocked out more than 100 home-loan companies in the past 20 months.
The financial support from Citigroup may allow GMAC to expand its market share after the subprime-mortgage crisis knocked out more than 100 home-loan companies in the past 20 months.