Target applications can then subscribe to the queue and obtain the message using either the read or receive function.
Because you submit a SUBSCRIBE request to a group but not each member of the group, you still receive SIP NOTIFY messages whenever the group changes.
Publish/subscribe in this context means the decoupling of producers and consumers: producers do not need to know based on what criteria consumers will receive messages.
If the server is configured to distribute events, applications called event consumers can listen to queues or subscribe to topics to receive specific event information.
Blogs automatically syndicate your content using RSS feeds so that people can "subscribe" to your Web site using an RSS reader and receive timely updates whenever you publish new content.
This ensures that the export knows to subscribe to a topic to receive request messages.
Retained publications enable subsequent subscribers to receive the most recent message on a topic as soon as they subscribe to it, even if they connect after the message was published.
An event channel is a component that event publishers use to publish events and that event receivers use to subscribe and receive events.
It allows users to both publish their presence information and subscribe to the service in order to receive notification of changes by other users.
IDS provides SQL callable functions to read, receive, send, subscribe, and publish.
Other event consumers that subscribe to these events receive them via the broker component through their corresponding proxy (adapter, agent, or actuator) component.
Subscribe to a topic and specify the queue on which you want to receive the messages.
Subscribe-push: "In this pattern, one or more clients register subscriptions with a service to receive messages based on some criteria.
To receive a post, interested users must register (subscribe) to Post Service for that specific post type.
The subscription portlet that we'll build allows adjusters to subscribe to and receive notifications about their newly assigned claims.
Subscribe expression, which is the expression that allows the milestone to subscribe to receive the input events it is interested in.
In Listing 9, Cometd libraries are used to subscribe to the topics to receive score updates.
To receive messages, subscribe to the onMessage event
Anyone can subscribe to the service and they will receive the update at the right time automatically.
Alternatively, subscribe to our mailing list to receive latest information on the Conference. Please enter your email address here.
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Please subscribe to the RSS feed on our Support Portal to receive automatic notification when the floating version is released.
Go to the Personal information section to update your contact information, change your password or subscribe to receive notifications from Cisco.
This means that if you visit a site that has a great podcast, you can click a button and subscribe to receive future shows automatically.
There are a variety of different ways to subscribe to the podcast and receive automatic updates.
You can subscribe to alerts for yourself or for others, and you can receive alert messages in either HTML or plain-text format.
Clients may subscribe to glob-style patterns in order to receive all the messages sent to channel names matching a given pattern.
Clients may subscribe to glob-style patterns in order to receive all the messages sent to channel names matching a given pattern.