While these things certainly are nice and make the world a cheerier place, there's actually isn't any such thing as a truly selfless act.
One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it's such a nice change from being young.
"The life here is very nice," he adds, "but the best things for me are being able to play football every day for such a great club and having the opportunity to win trophies each season."
Today, as I'm pregnant, my mom came over to do some nice things for me, such as clean my kitchen and cook a large pot of my favorite soup.
Wouldn't it be nice if roses could talk? I'm sure they could tell us such lovely things.
It's such a warm feeling to read so many nice things about yourself and often a surprise to read articles about I never knew existed.
It's such a warm feeling to read so many nice things about yourself and often a surprise to read articles about I never knew existed.