Make compiles the code, and sudo make install installs the code in system directories.
make编译代码,sudo make install在系统目录中安装代码。
Unpack the tarball, change to the newly created directory, and type ./configure followed by make and sudo make install.
解压压缩文件,进入刚创建的目录,输入./configure,然后输入make和sudo make install。
If you aren't the super user, you should use sudo make install so the commands are installed in the system directories.
如果您不是超级用户,应该使用sudo make install以便将命令安装到system目录中。
After installing PCRE, you should know what's next: running make install, again either as the root user or with the sudo command.
在安装了PCRE之后,下一步就是:再次运行make install,同样以root用户的身份或使用sudo命令运行。
After installing PCRE, you should know what's next: running make install, again either as the root user or with the sudo command.
在安装了PCRE之后,下一步就是:再次运行make install,同样以root用户的身份或使用sudo命令运行。