Besides being light, it does not suffer from any memory effect, which is the loss in capacity when a battery is recharged without being fully depleted.
Without a steady supply of these nutrients, cats can suffer from liver and heart problems, not to mention skin irritation and hearing loss.
Women are already twice as likely as men to suffer from depression, so, experts say, it's important to seek help to cope with the loss of a pregnancy or infertility treatments.
They suffer from a strong sense of loss and feel useless.
If you are not close to and learn from people of great virtue, you will suffer a great loss.
A small number of children suffer from a condition called amblyopia, a vision problem that can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated.
If both parents of a woman with low estrogen levels have the baldness gene, it is more likely that a woman may suffer from hair loss caused by stress.
Narcoleptics suffer not only from sleepiness, but also from sudden loss of muscle tone that, in extreme cases, can cause them to collapse and remain frozen - fully conscious - for minutes at a time.
Narcoleptics suffer not only from sleepiness, but also from sudden loss of muscle tone that, in extreme cases, can cause them to collapse and remain frozen-fully conscious-for minutes at a time.
Which is just what happens. This is a great short-term fix, but what about the poor skeleton? Eventually it will suffer from the loss of its own calcium–bones will become brittle.
Two escaped convicts suffer from their own kind of deep grief at the loss of their diamonds stolen in a heist they participated in the year before, spear-headed by Susan's now late husband.
If I choose not to be close to and learn from people of great virtue, I will suffer a great loss.
Facing so many competing firms, users cannot master correct selection methods and suffer from a lot of loss.
Facing so many competing firms, users cannot master correct selection methods and suffer from a lot of loss.