Japanese politics are sui generis.
Music is completely sui generis.
Lincoln, in contrast, is sui generis.
But it is just as likely to be sui generis.
But Page is sui generis and could potentially have the kind of impact Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have had.
But in other ways they are sui generis: much more diversified and readier to blur the line between public and private.
The Jewish is, indeed, a nation sui generis, the only nation we know of whose records are coetaneous with their primitive origin.
Etymologically speaking, a fairy is something quite particular, related in kind to the naiads, or water nymphs, and while of the genus, we are sui generis.
Etymologically speaking, a fairy is something quite particular, related in kind to the na-iads, or water nymphs, and while of the genus, we are sui generis.
However, Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.
The thing to keep in mind in understanding OOP sui generis is that OOP is not really a matter of inheritance specifically, but of dispatch decisions more generally.
要完全理解OOP,有一点必须记住:OOP其实并不一定意味着继承,而是更一般的分派决策(dispatch decision)。
The thing to keep in mind in understanding OOP sui generis is that OOP is not really a matter of inheritance specifically, but of dispatch decisions more generally.
要完全理解OOP,有一点必须记住:OOP其实并不一定意味着继承,而是更一般的分派决策(dispatch decision)。