The active cooking chemicals in the sulfite process are sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, and calcium bisulfite.
In the sulfite paper process, the liquor byproduct contains wood sugars and lignosulfonate.
The Kraft process produces pulp with longer fibers, while sulfite pulp, using lower process temperatures, produces more white pulp with shorter fibers.
Main process parameters are recommended for electrolytic manganese production using sulfite as an additive.
Using waste liquor of sulfite process as main material and complexing different kind of metal positive ions, the corresponding lignosulfonate (LSS) are prepared.
Similar to the Kraft process, the sulfite process allows for burning of the used liquor, allowing the pulping chemicals to be reused in the majority of mills.
The other main type of chemical pulping is called the sulfite process.
The properties of hardwood sulfite pulp are quite different from the softwood variety and are also quite different from the same wood cooked by the soda process.
Since about 1890, the sulfite process has been well established pulping process until about 1937, when it was superseded in importance by the sulfate process.
The treatment of bleaching amd washing effluent from alkaline sodium sulfite pulping line by hydrolysis and bio-contact oxidation process is introduced.
The sulfite oxidation process under acid condition to treat concentrated H 2SO 4 bearing wastewater from pharmaceutical production is described.
The experiment of emperor bamboo grass pulping with alkali sulfite-green oxygen process was carried out. The results showed that the emperor bamboo grass is a good papermaking new raw material.
In the Kraft process, a mixture of sodium sulfite and sodium hydroxide is used to pulp the wood.
The process is carried out by using Soxhlet set, as experiment unit, with methyl sulfonic acid as a catalyst and magnesium sulfite as dehydrating agent, giving 97.
报道了合成乳酸丁酯的新方法 ,以乳酸和正丁醇为原料 ,在甲基磺酸催化下以亚硫酸镁为脱水剂 ,用索氏提取器进行回流合成。
The process is carried out by using Soxhlet set, as experiment unit, with methyl sulfonic acid as a catalyst and magnesium sulfite as dehydrating agent, giving 97.
报道了合成乳酸丁酯的新方法 ,以乳酸和正丁醇为原料 ,在甲基磺酸催化下以亚硫酸镁为脱水剂 ,用索氏提取器进行回流合成。