This unmasking explains the autumn colours of yellow and orange, but not the brilliant reds and purples of trees such as the maple or sumac.
If you can't find sumac, you can use lemon zest.
There was the smell of sumac, orange and eucalyptus.
Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.
Soak in the bath with baking soda will heal anything form poison ivy, sumac, sunburns, etc…
The leaves of staghorn sumac trees gradually turn a brilliant red as cool autumn temperatures creep in.
Sumac wax, also called urushi wax in Japan, is extracted from the fruit peel of Sumac Verniciflua Stokes.
Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. Red-stemmed briars bent under the snowy weight of blackberry blossoms.
The grassy prairie landscape is dotted with shrub thickets of sumac and dogwood, which are favored by birds and small animals.
Sumac, ailanthus, poison ivy and other uninvited things threaten the few lilies and clematis and roses that still struggle for survival.
It also temporarily protects and helps relieve minor irritaion and itching due to: rashes, eczema, poison ivy, oak, sumac and insect bites.
It had been raining quite a bit during the night, and now, early in the morning as you were getting up, there was the strong smell of sumac, sage, and damp earth.
The correlation between the diameter of the front lateral root of Staghorn sumac and its basal diameter, crown width and height is more significant than that of the back part of the lateral root.
The medicament prepared with single medicine sumac gallnut or sumac gallnut oil and the compound medicament prepared by using sumac gallnut and sumac gallnut oil can be made into various dosage forms.
The medicament prepared with single medicine sumac gallnut or sumac gallnut oil and the compound medicament prepared by using sumac gallnut and sumac gallnut oil can be made into various dosage forms.