Why are we to take Sunday worship seriously?
Is there a hat that exceeds the best we can wear for Sunday worship?
Sunday worship is, in some respects, another strange stop along the way.
Our Sunday worship services are conducted separately in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
Our church now provides transportation service to pick up and take home brothers, sisters and friends to our Sunday worship service and Wednesday morning sisters' meeting.
During a Sunday worship service, our congregation said this prayer of confession in unison: "Gracious God, like many believers before us, we complain when things do not go our way."
在某个主日敬拜赞美,我们众人做如下的同心合一的祷告:“慈爱的神,我们也像我们之前的信徒一样,当一些事情不顺利时, 我们也抱怨。
Chris Jeub (with guitar) sings as he leads a Sunday morning worship for family and friends in his living room in Monument, Colorado.
Sunday school teacher I know is impressed by a young mother who works extra hard to see that her small children are present as much as possible for Sunday school and worship at our church.
Olivia, a little girl in our church, leaned over to her dad one Sunday when the drums and guitars were helping us worship, and she said, "May I dance, Daddy?"
A Sunday school teacher I know is impressed by a young mother who works extra hard to see that her small children are present as much as possible for Sunday school and worship at our church.
During a Sunday-morning worship time, I began a children's message by taking a one-dollar bill out of my wallet and then using a scissors to cut that dollar into tiny pieces.
During a Sunday-morning worship time, the pastor began a children's message by taking a one-dollar bill out of my wallet and then using a scissors to cut that dollar into tiny pieces.
We, too, have marginalized the spiritual matters and practices such as worship, Sunday School and fellowship with other believers.
We strived to lead our Youth in a worship experience each Sunday.
Sunday is also called worship day, because many people go to church to have (Sunday) service.
The worship time of House of Christ's Love will be changed to 5:00 pm starting Sunday, November 6, 2011.
The worship time of House of Christ's Love will be changed to 5:00 PM starting Sunday, November 6, 2011, the day Daylight Saving time ends.
There are churches specifically catering to the 30's generation. Worship time will be later because they cannot get up too early on Sunday mornings because of late Saturday night social functions.
Go to church on Sunday, that is where you belong. Worship God;
Go to church on Sunday, that is where you belong. Worship God;