The Drosera sundew, meanwhile, has a thick, sweet liquid oozing from its leaves, which first attracts insects, then holds them fast before the leaves snap shut.
A cave cricket is caught in the sticky clutches of a king sundew.
This sundew prefers drier soil. You can allow the POTS to go dry between waterings.
They harm more delicate species like lichens, mosses, harebells and insect-eating sundew plants.
You can do a bracing if orderly walk here, on a wooden walkway over boggy acid grassland rich in lady's smock, celandine, violets and carnivorous sundew.
The technology of immersing extraction and the fill prescription with purslane, bulrush root, sundew root, hawthorn and mint by orthogonal experiment was researched.
The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base. It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant.
The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base. It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant.