The sunlight on the water was so dazzling that one had to look away.
They form when sunlight falls on water drops in the air.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface-much like a mirror-directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
Much like the wind pushing a sailboat through water, solar sails rely on sunlight to propel vehicles through space.
On Venus, hot water vapor rose high into the atmosphere where water molecules were split apart by the action of sunlight.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface - much like a mirror - directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
Sediment from runoff on land can cover corals or simply turn the water cloudy, cutting them off from the sunlight they need to survive.
A study in the journal New Phytologist confirms the gardener's belief that droplets of water resting on some types of leaves can focus sunlight until the plant's surface actually burns.
The water in a group of Lakes reflexed the sunlight, looking like shattered glass on the ground.
The water was a deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface.
Unter the warm like maternal love sunlight, we see that white waterfowls leisurely volplane over the wide water surface and slowly land on the smooth beach.
The degradation efficiency of decane, a model substance of oil on water, was studied with irradiation by sunlight.
What happens to the other 93 percent of sunlight depends on where the water trickles.
These panels capture and collect the radiated thermal energy from sunlight. Traditionally, water pumps run on diesel or grid electricity.
The sunlight plays on the water.
Phalaenopsis should avoid accumulation of water, avoid direct sunlight, dry and ventilated, to do a good job on the pot culture, and daily management and pest and disease control.
The sunlight overhead cuts right through the clear water, and both diners and waiters must wear sunglasses around noon, though they keep a few extras on hand for unprepared guests.
The condensator greatly increases the sunlight power intensity on the heat collector, so as to improve the water temperature of the heater.
CAUTION: Keep the soap out of water after each use. Place it on a dry and ventilated area to prolong the life of the soap. Store in a dry place and avoid sunlight. Contents may settle over time.
The garden and water on the ground floor features acts as a public activity area, modulating the micro-climate, reflecting sunlight and improving the first floor lighting conditions.
Application methods: Take a suitable amount of it and evenly smear on the skin in the sunlight. It suits for face and skin all over the body. 10-15 min is advisable. Clean it with clean water.
用法:洁面后,取适量均匀涂抹于晒后肌肤,适合面部及全身肌肤,以10 - 15分钟为宜,用清水洗净即可。
In the day time, sunlight irradiates on the solar water heater to generate hot water, and the hot water enters the radiator through the water pipe for house-warming.
In the day time, sunlight irradiates on the solar water heater to generate hot water, and the hot water enters the radiator through the water pipe for house-warming.