When our star drops out of its latest sunspot activity cycle, the sun is most likely going into hibernation, scientists announced today.
The magnetic activity of stars like sun, which is the root cause of the sunspot cycle, is still poorly understood even after decades of intense study.
Sunspot activity, which follows an 11-year cycle, is due to peak in 2013 after which it will start to wane slightly.
Before cycle 24 commenced, the position and strength of the torsional oscillation correctly predicted the late arrival of this cycle's sunspot activity.
The surface heating fields over QXP die down when sunspot cycle length(SCL) become long(the sun activity die down).
Solar flares rise and fall on an 11-year cycle, so scientists thought sunspot activity would pick up some time in 2008.
The sun is not considered a variable star, but it does undergo periodic changes in activity known as the sunspot cycle.
The sun is not considered a variable star, but it does undergo periodic changes in activity known as the sunspot cycle.