One of the first super delegates to come out for me was Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.
Obama will be targeting super delegates in his strategy as well.
While Barack Obama leads in both pledged and super delegates in the fight for the nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects a big win in the Mountain State.
The delegates are not there, the momentum is not there, and because of that you may see some super delegates coming to that conclusion in the next few weeks before Pennsylvania.
The Clinton campaign hopes to stem the flow of super delegates to Obama with a strong showing in the Pennsylvania primary on April 22 where recent polls give her a sizeable lead.
If Hillary does lose in the Super Tuesday II polls, then this could signal the loss of support that delegates have for her.
Both Clinton and Obama are wooing several hundred of the so-called super-delegates — party officials and officeholders — who remain uncommitted and have the power to support either candidate.
It delegates method invocations directly to the default implementations in the super class.
Having routed their party challengers in last week's blitz of "Super Tuesday" state RACES, the two candidates now look certain to reach the number of delegates they need.
Having routed their party challengers in last week's blitz of "Super Tuesday" state RACES, the two candidates now look certain to reach the number of delegates they need.