The normal ways are Surpervised classification and Un-supervised classification.
It then describes the supervised classification technique based on the search coding method.
Supervised classification not only was efficient, but also could be ensure certain degree of accuracy.
Made sure of the parameters and thresholds of different objects with supervised and unsupervised classification.
The analysis of experimental data has proven that this algorithm has better effect on semi-supervised classification.
The hybrid classification can improve the efficiency of process on supervised classification or unsupervised classification.
Comprehensive analysis and comparisons are given for several typical algorithms in supervised and unsupervised classification.
The image of Nanchuan in 2000 was interpreted using a multi-extracting method combining supervised classification with non-supervised classification.
Randomized tree is a supervised classification algorithm for pattern recognition, which can be effectively used in augmented reality feature recognition and matching.
After supervised classification we extracted residential area and the grass of shelter belt based on knowledge discovery, finally we got the accuracy assessment reports.
The invention relates to a supervised classification method of multi-class hyperspectrum remotely sensed data, which comprises the following steps: (1), reading the hyperspectrum data;
一种高光谱遥感数据多类别监督分类方法,包含以下步骤:(1)读入 高光谱数据;
Compared with the unsupervised classification and the supervised classification, the precision of multiband combination information extraction is improved to 85.5% from 25.3%, 71.6%, respectively.
The classification accuracy is unsatisfactory in the complicated terrain area of the Loess Plateau when the single supervised classification is used in the remote sensing investigation of slope field.
While for terrace extraction, supervised classification has better result than unsupervised classification. The difference of total accuracy between two methods based on IKONOS image is more than 12%.
Supervised learning is fairly common in classification problems because the goal is often to get the computer to learn a classification system that we have created.
A clustering-based and supervised intrusion detection method was proposed with new distance definition for mixed-attribute data and improved nearest neighbor classification method.
Supervised learning with the use of regression and classification networks with sparse data sets will be explored.
In this paper, a new method which combines unsupervised and supervised learning strategy is put forward to construct the multi classification decision tree.
Supervised and unsupervised approaches for classification of remote sensing data by computer are discussed. Some primary classification results are provided.
The audio is robust and supervised audio classification is general in the same type sports video.
The main contributions include: 1 a novel dimension reduction method, Supervised Latent Semantic Indexing SLSI, was proposed to represent documents for text classification tasks.
For learning document classification on line, the paper gives the semi-supervised learning fuzzy ART model (SLFART) based on adaptive resonance theory and the models algorithm.
The supervised learning algorithm was usually used for remote sensing image classification, but its training samples need to be chosen by manual, which was boring and sometimes even difficult.
The supervised learning algorithm was usually used for remote sensing image classification, but its training samples need to be chosen by manual, which was boring and sometimes even difficult.