As the nature of the soil often varies considerably on the same construction site, the capacity of the soil to support loads also varies.
The L/G support the aircraft on the ground and oil-pneumatic shock absorbers absorb taxi and landing loads.
NOTE: While this configuration supports a basic production deployment, it does not provide any redundancy for system failover nor does it provide the ability to scale up to support growing user loads.
We knew we were able to make the best games in the world, but the problem was that you had to do loads of versions to support all the different handsets.
An operating system that can support the desired deadlines of the real-time tasks (even under worst-case processing loads) is called a hard real-time system.
rc.modules Loads kernel modules. Things like your network card, PPP support, and other things are loaded here.
Also, take care to support the user (for example, with visual feedback such as progress bars) while the interface loads or content is updated.
In this case, the bearing walls support all or most of the gravity loads as well as functioning as shear walls to resist lateral loads.
Spindle's function is to support the impeller, transmit the torque load to the gear box and other loads to the base and other supporting structures.
System of walls (vertical) and roof and floor diaphragms (horizontal) that are generally simply supported and work together to support both vertical and horizontal loads.
Most bearings support rotating shafts against either transverse (radial) or thrust (axial) loads.
Horizontal shores must be designed to support the dead loads, live loads and any special circumstance loading.
Techniques, such as server clustering, support redundant work loads on multiple physical serve.
The reasonable distribution of multi-support rotor bearing loads can be achieved by adjusting the elevation of all bearings based on the load sensitivity matrix.
Guide rods are supported by specially designed guide bushings providing optimum support of dynamic loads.
But in a typical structure, floor systems do not need to support lateral loads generated by the inclination of the exterior walls in addition to gravity loads.
When checking different loads' partnership in different circumstance, we need expound and prove the feasibility of bearing the weight of support.
In order to adequately support so many work loads on a single virtual host, significant storage space is often necessary.
YRT series cylindrical roller and thrust needle roller combined bearings, with high rotation accuracy, can support heavier radial loads, double direction axial load and inclined torque, etc.
With structural engineering a structure needs to be able to successfully support itself as well as being able to resist loads.
They are particularly suitable for heavy shock loads as experienced in mining cars, support rollers, etc. Their load-carrying capacity in the axial direction is low.
The effects of geometrical imperfections, unuhiform loads and support settlements on the in-plane buckling of circular arch are investigated.
James Bogardus (1800-1874) built the pioneering Cast Iron Building, New York (1848), with a rigid iron frame providing the main support for upper-floor and roof loads.
These bearings are used to support combined radial and axial loads with the radial load prevailing.
Internal components of steam generator are complex, and the reaction of primary side under loads will influence the components above the tube sheet, such as support plate and tube bundle.
The reasonable distribution of multi-support rotor bearing loads can be achieved by adjusting the elevation of all bearings based on the load…
"This support should be rigid and of sufficient strength to prevent" wind up ", deflection or transfer of abnormal loads to the valve."
The double direction Thrust ball bearings can support bi-directional loads.
The result shows that good support concept is useful to reduce the stress of piping and the loads on supports, and it is also helpful to keep the nuclear power safe.
As the large spanned arch tunnel is influenced by the structure and span, the loads on initial support and secondary lining are different.