The hedge fund manager who emerged as the winner post-2008 was David Tepper, who believed Washington, DC when it said that it was going to support Wall Street.
Donors, it seems, increasingly take advantage of opportunities to support post-conflict countries.
In XSLT 1.0, either the implementer has to support an extension attribute or the user needs to apply an external (post transformation) process to ensure a BOM is added, or to strip it.
在XSLT 1.0中,要么实现者必须支持扩展属性,要么用户必须进行外部(转换以后)处理,以保证增加或去掉了BOM。
But it also reflects shifts in policy: the post-crisis re-regulation of finance has had a pronounced home bias, with reduced support for cross-border activities.
It introduced the metabolic state of the body, the evaluation of nutritional state, choosing of nutritional support and its influence on repairing in trauma of post trauma patients.
It is very important to simulate biological processes in the post-genome era, which support the research on medicine and pharmacy forcefully.
It is very important to simulate biological processes in the post-genome era, which support the research on medicine and pharmacy forcefully.