An auditor vouches a sample of entries in the voucher register to the supporting documents.
This article and future articles in this series are supporting documents for the design guide included in the first article of this series.
By storing content in a database, you can avoid losing every draft of a seven-figure proposal and all its supporting documents when your boss leaves his unbacked-up laptop in a taxi.
In it you can find pages that describe samples and supporting documents including screenshots and design documents.
Farmers are given 30-year leases (though often no supporting documents) to use plots of land.
The MSDN Code Gallery is a portal for snippets, samples and other resources. In it you can find pages that describe samples and supporting documents including screenshots and design documents.
This, say the Iranians (with supporting documents) was just basic science carried out at the personal initiative of the project leader.
Products without supporting documents will be pulled off shelves.
Bank employee b1e1 receives this application and determines that she needs more supporting documents for this application.
Attach supporting documents, which can be binary attachments to your artifacts.
The rddl:resource elements are links to the namespace's supporting documents, and the body is in XHTML which usually allows for natural display even by user agents that don't understand XLink.
resource元素是到该名称空间支持文档的链接,主体部分放在 XHTML 中,即便用户代理不支持 XLink 也仍然能够自然地显示。
Here you can create a Wiki-style page to describe your sample and upload supporting documents including screenshots, design documents, or even video files.
Gather your N-400 application, photos, and all copies of supporting documents.
搜集好你的N- 400申请表,照片以及其他辅助材料的复印件。
Technical writers prepare journal articles, instruction manuals, and supporting documents essential to the communication of complex information.
Are vouchers or other supporting documents presented together with the checks submitted for signature?
If you have supporting documents to show the source and history of this term deposit then please provide it.
All documents relating to the inquiry including copy of the formal quotation and supporting documents will be retained in the inquiry file.
In all, your business plan should be no longer than 30 or 40 pages, including the appendix of supporting documents.
企业计划书总共(含辅助文档的附录在内)应当不超过30- 40页。
If your application is incomplete or lacks the supporting documents listed above, it will be returned to you for completion.
Audit all the AP voucher, supporting documents and checks, stamp the "paid" on all paid documents to avoid duplicate payments.
Complete the application form for the selected High School and attach the necessary supporting documents.
To responsible for checking the return application and related supporting documents to be available and the product, quantity, batch, original delivery date to be accurate.
Environmental management standards through the supporting documents to supplement.
Are the supporting documents impressed with a "paid" stamp or other mark so as to prevent their use for duplicate payment?
The builder(s) must provide logs of when, where and how construction took place, along with supporting documents and photographs.
This application form may be completed in either Chinese or English. Please initial at the bottom of each page of the completed application form and all relevant supporting documents.
This application form may be completed in either Chinese or English. Please initial at the bottom of each page of the completed application form and all relevant supporting documents.