How is surface mining carried out?
The reasons of surface mining damage were analyzed.
Drillers and Blasters? Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction.
Experience as a blaster helper in surface mining and quarrying or construction may be required for blasters.
In the course of surface mining, it is easy to exit bedrock and affect loading if the borehole is bad quality;
The blasting effect in surface mining is controlled by many indexes, and is a comprehensive evaluation problem.
The selection of dragline is a key problem to be handled when applying dragline for open cast in surface mining.
The environmental effect of surface mining on the groundwater was studied by leaching experiment and model forecast.
By dynamic programming method, authors put forward a decisive method of mining procedure of large surface mining deposits.
The production efficiency of surface mining depends on proficiency of the technicians and workers in situ to a considerable degree.
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers engaged in underground and surface mining operations and quarries.
The gray relation degree indicates that the series for adaptability of every mining method are surface mining, sublevel caving mining, block stop mining etc;
Mobility between surface mining, underground mining, coal or metal mining sectors may be limited by differences in production technologies and licensing requirements.
This shift is due to both improved safety standards and technology as well a move away from underground mines towards surface mining and controversial mountaintop-removal mining.
Don Blankenship, CEO, Massey energy: "Most coal mined by surface mining cannot be deep mined... energy resources would be lost if not surface mined... our company is an energy company," he added.
MasseyEnergy的首席执行官Don Blankenship表示:“采用地表采矿,大多数煤炭不能深采…不采用地表采矿,会造成能源损失…我们公司是能源公司。”
Moreover, there are some other influencing factors such as: thick loose bed, surface mining degree, impel speed of working face, coal mining and roof manage methods, mining procedure and time.
This paper analyses the importance of each factors that decide the surface mining technology by using of the neural network, optimizes the surface mining technology by using of the fuzzy decision.
This article gives a detailed analysis of the characteristics of conventional surface mining equipment and techniques as well as problems arising from mining in coal seams with difficult conditions.
Therefore, this series of articles will only scratch the surface of what is possible with data mining.
Design mode includes a graphical design surface used for selecting a single data mining model and input table, and a grid used for specifying the prediction query.
However, the displacement and deformation of surface ground by underground mining have destroyed initial equilibrium between the building and the ground.
Mining takes place on the Earth's surface, as seen here, as well as underground.
This paper introduced the characters of surface defects of hot strips and data mining thesis briefly at first.
Numerical analysis implies that the mining method is an effective method to protect the surface in exploiting the high-value deposits.
The regularity and parameter of surface movement aroused by mining under thick soil layer and thin base rock have its obvious characteristic and regularity.
Based on data, surface movement curves of strip mining were drawn and analyzed.
Based on data, surface movement curves of strip mining were drawn and analyzed.