The tailrace impedance surge chamber is going to be used on Longtan hydropower station.
Safety membranes were used at Qingyinxi No. 2 water power station in lieu of surge chamber.
For the special form of surge chamber, ordinary design methods cannot satisfy the actual engineering needs.
The bottom plate pressure difference is an important parameter in design of a throttled surge chamber structure.
Surge chamber is a fairly reliable level pressure structure of reducing water hammer pressure and increasing surge system stability.
The article discusses the working principle, numerical simulation on the hydraulic transients and applications of safety membranes in lieu of a surge chamber.
Conventional surge tower is replaced by air cushion surge chamber under favorable engineering geological conditions due to economical and environmental reasons.
The tailrace surge chamber shared by two units , common in hydropower stations with diversion systems , has problems of water level fluctuation and hydraulic disturbance.
The hydraulic characteristics of the throttled surge chamber under various hydraulic transition processes are analyzed through combination of numerical simulation and model test.
When calculating water hammer force in derivation conduit with a surge chamber, the ordinary method usually thinks that the surge chamber can completely reflect the water hammer wave.
Chapter 4: Based on the previous achievements of the calculation and theoretical analysis of the surge-chamber ground swell, analyze the influence of the superimposition on it and the superpose time.
This spark is provided by a high-voltage electrical surge jumping across the gap of the spark plug that is ideally positioned in the combustion chamber.
In Yangzhuoyong Lake Hydropower Station, the Surge shaft, a differential structure, is composed of vertical shaft and upper chamber.
In Yangzhuoyong Lake Hydropower Station, the Surge shaft, a differential structure, is composed of vertical shaft and upper chamber.