Yet some austerity measures could prove surprisingly effective, notably the non-replacement of retiring staff.
A new method of attacking cancer cells, developed by researchers in Australia, has proved surprisingly effective in animal tests.
This is surprisingly effective and will get youinto a great and relaxed mood before even stepping into the first, second or twentieth meeting.
Researchers (Cape et al., 2010) looked at the results of 34 studies involving 3, 962 patients and found the answer - therapy in a doctor's office is surprisingly effective.
研究者们(Capeetal .,2010)考查了包含3962名病人的研究结果并找到了答案——医疗室里的治疗是令人惊讶的有效的。
There were many ways to do it: coin on a fishing line, the fake-coin maneuver, and the most primitive and surprisingly effective method of all — simply hitting it hard in the right spot...
Surprisingly, psychology has, until now, paid little attention to what makes for an effective apology.
Surprisingly, brisk walking has been found to be effective at increasing bone density in older women, Dr. Barry says.
But surprisingly, the photograph of their romantic partner provided equally effective pain relief, and both cases were far greater than when a stranger was involved.
A glass of plain cool water is surprisingly highly effective.
Butt surprisingly, the photograph of their romantic partner provided equally effective pain relief, and both cases were far greater than when a stranger was involved.
The pricey procedure is no more effective and carries surprisingly big risks, a study found.
But surprisingly, programs with a duration of between three and twelve weeks appear to be more effective at reducing anxiety than those lasting more than 12 weeks.
但令人惊讶的是相较于超过12周的运动计划来说,只持续3 -12周的运动似乎较能舒缓焦虑。
But surprisingly, programs with a duration of between three and twelve weeks appear to be more effective at reducing anxiety than those lasting more than 12 weeks.
但令人惊讶的是相较于超过12周的运动计划来说,只持续3 -12周的运动似乎较能舒缓焦虑。