Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.
Love can conquer all, we still surrender to love god. — Virgil.
Couldn't Love Himself find a better way to teach surrender?
The Spiritual Warrior cannot, must not allow the hostilities of the world without to penetrate the layers of the harmony and love within. Do not surrender!
Now is your time to surrender-to God's grace, love, and wisdom.
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
God also used big frustration to make me fully surrender for His love.
In love, he most often do is to surrender to the lover, always afraid of their own to do enough is not good enough, and not to care about who love to love too little.
For one day, give full control to God. Do not take back the control. Surrender to His care and love, all day long. Notice how you feel.
With regard to those who love to surrender, and they are prepared to pay the price.
As I take on this I am Avatar Blueprint of Light, as I trust and Surrender to the Divine, I am guided with joy, Love and abundance in my Service work and in my Life.
Surrender yourself unreservedly to the Lord, who has said: "If ye love me, ye will keep my commands."
Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun-flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey.
To surrender one's ego for someone else is love; to surrender one's ego for all is divine love.
Let us pray earnestly to be so filled with God's love that we may wholeheartedly surrender ourselves to win others for Him.
Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun? Flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey.
Or, probably, deep down, we have such serious doubts of whether love would ever be that strong, so we tried our best not to surrender our life to the thoughts of this almighty love.
Or, probably, deep down, we have such serious doubts of whether love would ever be that strong, so we tried our best not to surrender our life to the thoughts of this almighty love.