Its strong radiation has cleared the surrounding region, and some of the next generation of stars are forming in the denser regions around the edge.
On the northwest edge of the forest, Jews from five surrounding shtetls buried their dead.
The plurality of gas channels is connected to an edge gas plenum surrounding the substrate support.
The surrounding urban fabric is mostly low-density, with fragmented and porous edge conditions.
The raincoat can prevent rainwater from wetting clothes along the lower edge of the raincoat, can be used for timely observing the surrounding road condition, and is convenient and safe.
The liver of Alligator sinensis was formed by the endodermal epithelia invigilated from the edge of foregut door and by surrounding mesoderm during early stages of pre-natal development.
The barrel has a front end terminating in an edge surrounding the opening, the edge having an outer circumference substantially equal to the barrel outer circumference.
Cutting across a bright cavity of ionized gas, the dust torus surrounding the central star is in the upper right corner of this view, nearly edge-on to the line-of-sight.
Cutting across a bright cavity of ionized gas, the dust torus surrounding the central star is in the upper right corner of this view, nearly edge-on to the line-of-sight.