WHO will also help to set up a disease surveillance system in order to detect and control outbreaks of communicable diseases, including diarrhoeal disease.
The index case was identified through routine yellow fever surveillance system.
The disease surveillance system will be expanded to all affected areas.
This case was detected through the Ministry's routine influenza surveillance system.
If you don't have any suspected cases, I would say that your surveillance system might not work that well.
So, it's actually a good indication that they have a surveillance system that works," he said.
There are gaps in coverage, particularly over the southern hemisphere, and much of the antiquated surveillance system cannot fuse the data to create an overall picture.
WHO is helping to set up a disease surveillance system in the worst affected areas.
Both cases were reported by the Yellow fever surveillance system and presented with symptoms of fever and jaundice.
WHO has epidemiologists on the ground, who are helping to set up a disease surveillance system, which can detect and respond to diseases outbreaks before they spread.
A case study of the Olympics security system and related products, boundary surveillance system, smart soldier system and more will highlight the public security sector.
The case was detected by the national Yellow fever surveillance system.
To quickly spot outbreaks and prevent epidemics, WHO has supported the Ministry of Health to build a disease surveillance system involving over 200 medical experts and staff.
Arkenberg takes the idea further by suggesting that sensors could be built into mobile phones that could monitor air quality or act as a sort of distributed surveillance system.
Further spread of the disease is likely due to the lack of access to essential drugs and vaccinations and the limited capacity of the existing surveillance system in high risk areas.
To evaluate mortality and morbidity among internally displaced persons (IDPs) who relocated in a demographic surveillance system (DSS) area in western Kenya following post-election violence.
A sentinel surveillance system for Japanese encephalitis was developed and embedded within the routine meningoencephalitis syndromic surveillance system in Cambodia in 2006.
The sentinel surveillance system was designed so surveillance and laboratory testing for other etiologies of neurological infection could be incorporated.
Two residential communities in Foshan will trial a new anti-abuse "surveillance system".
The Communicable Disease Control department of the Ministry of Health in Cambodia worked with partners to establish the sentinel surveillance system.
As a result, the mission recommends that the surveillance system to detect new yellow fever cases is strengthened and that vector control measures are implemented.
Rates and causes of child mortality were obtained from a continuous-registration demographic surveillance system (DSS) in Malawi for a population of 32 000.
Expected to begin initial operation in 2015, the system will replace the existing Air Force Space Surveillance system, or VHF Fence, which has been in service since the early 1960s.
As of 1 April 2009 the Ministry of Health of the Republic of the Congo reported one case of yellow fever detected on 28 January 2009 by the epidemiological surveillance system for yellow fever.
America is about to deploy drones equipped with a surveillance system called Gorgon Stare.
Space Fence will replace the current VHF Air Force Space Surveillance System built in 1961.
The estimates in the report come from the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which uses self-reported data from phone surveys and 2007 census information.
The actual number of insecticide-related illnesses may be far higher than found in the CDC study, because it included only those that were reported to a surveillance system in 12 states.
The actual number of insecticide-related illnesses may be far higher than found in the CDC study, because it included only those that were reported to a surveillance system in 12 states.